Nicolò Casini - Bindi Sergardi
“My gratitude goes to God and to my ancestors who, in generous and protective conjunction, have permitted me to dedicate my life to contend and rejoice for my lands and with my lands.
I am also thankful to my family, which has provided me with never-failing encouragement in the difficult periods and which has accompanied me in the times of satisfaction when success has rewarded our undertaking.Today my children work with me and this mixture of blood and earth makes me feel eternal.” Nicolò Casini – Bindi Sergardi
Nicolò Casini - Bindi Sergardi
“My gratitude goes to God and to my ancestors who, in generous and protective conjunction, have permitted me to dedicate my life to contend and rejoice for my lands and with my lands.
I am also thankful to my family, which has provided me with never-failing encouragement in the difficult periods and which has accompanied me in the times of satisfaction when success has rewarded our undertaking. Today my children work with me and this mixture of blood and earth makes me feel eternal.” Nicolò Casini -Bindi Sergardi
Alessandra Casini Bindi Sergardi
“I am fortunate to have been born into a farming family that allowed me to do what I love with the people I love.
I am grateful to be able to live in close contact with nature whose teachings, sometimes hard and difficult, have opened me to different perspectives and filled life with meaning. I am grateful for the gift I live every day. ”
Alessandra Casini Bindi Sergardi
Alessandra Casini Bindi Sergardi
“I am fortunate to have been born into a farming family that allowed me to do what I love with the people I love.
I am grateful to be able to live in close contact with nature whose teachings, sometimes hard and difficult, have opened me to different perspectives and filled life with meaning. I am grateful for the gift I live every day. ”
Alessandra Bindi Sergardi
“We are made of the work of our people”
Family philosophy
The wine-growing areas are cultural heritage to be protected and enhanced in the various aspects of social, environmental, and economic sustainability